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1.The first possible solution is for both Egypt and Ethiopia to both use their dams, and share whatever money, or resources the dam produces, equally to all 3 countries. The resources will be split by another country who has nothing to do with Egypt, Ethiopia or Sudan, to therefore make the split as unbiased and as fair as possible. 

​ 2. People in all 3 countries can have a limited amount      of water per day which is less than what it is today.          The reason for this is because so much water is              wasted on a daily basis. So not only will there be              more water available, but it is also an eco                        friendly initiative. It would be per family, a certain              amount would be given, and paid before it is given.          If it is a big business, they would also not be allowed        to pass a certain limit.  

3. The third one is also a way to reduce wasting water. In a city like Dubai where 40+ years ago, all there was was sand, it is really impressive how they have managed to grow so much plants, without having a water crisis. The UAE uses an impressive but simple way to irrigate all their plants, using small "sprinklers". Around every tree in Dubai, there is a small pipe made out of rubber, that pipe has holes in it. Now, these pipes are connected to one major water source. That water can now be controlled from those water sources, with simple switches, therefore controlling the amounts of water used, avoiding floods, therefore avoiding wasting water. 

4. Another is, the World Bank could loan all three countries money for a desalination center. The countries would then make money off the water provided from the desalination center and pay the World Bank back. Of course, it would be a big debt, yet there is obviously a contract that states the country needs to pay back the debts or else they will loose the advantage of the Nile for example, as well as whatever it was they did with the money provided. Any country there depends on the Nile river greatly and would obviously not want to lose its privileges.

5. Last possible solution is to sign an agreement. As it was done before for Egypt, all three countries will sign an agreement that they will only use a certain decided share of the Nile. If they go over that or take too much from other countries, there will be consequences. 

Possible Solutions

Nile River Water

Aral Sea Water

1.The first possible solution is to give the Aral Sea to the country who needs it the most or is more dependable on it. In this case it would be Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan's side of the Aral sea is very dry, as well as extremely depends on the Syr and Amu Daryas. Kazakhstan would then use the other many rivers and lakes they own for fresh water. 

2. Another Solution could be cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is quite expensive, but to save the Aral Sea, would be definitely worth it. When making it rain in a certain area, there will be more water in the Aral Sea. Ofcourse if you are going to add water you needs to make sure it does not flood, which is why you need to reroute the already rerouted rivers. If you dod not fix those rivers, there will be lots of floods and other issues regarding agriculture.

3.The last solution is to build a dam or dams to control the water. Building dozens of miles of canals and build a proper dam at the southern border of the Northern basin would stop the Aral sea from spilling into the dry desert, and evaporate. Meaning that slowly, the water volume of the Aral Sea will go higher, and refill the basin.

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